Contact us

You can contact the Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights for various purposes by using the following contact channels:

Are you a journalist interested in speaking or interviewing us?

Do you have a project you would like to work on with us? 

Do you want to engage as a volunteer supporting Hermes Center’s mission?

Are you a donor or want to help raising funds? Thank you!

Tell us more:

Do you have a legal or compliance inquiry?

Administrative information


Associazione Hermes – Associazione senza scopo di lucro

TaxCode: IT-97621810155

IBAN: IT11Z0306909606100000067224

EuropeAid: IT-2012-AOD-0806909254

EU PIC: 906940883 (For EU Funding Proposal)

Mail Address: Associazione Hermes, Via Aretusa 34, IT-20129 Milan, Italy

Voice Mail:  +39-02-87188752

Fax: +39-02-56563616


To get in touch directly with individual members or fellows, please send an email to